Once your co-op is incorporated and you have a plan, the real fun (and work) begins. Now your board will develop policies and procedures, recruit members, create a budget, find funds, and hold meetings. Your designated Co-operatives First team member will work alongside you during this process, providing guidance and advice to ensure you stay on track.
For additional insights and resources, check out the Up and Running section of the Co-op Creator. You’ll find guidance, templates, and samples you can use and adapt to suit your own co-op’s goals and needs. We also recommend taking the Co-op Professionals modules in our Introduction to Co-operatives course – these will help you to better understand your role in your co-operative.
What our clients have said:
Co-operatives First was instrumental in helping us get our co-op off the ground. Co-operatives First took time to get to know what our co-op is trying to do and has helped us from the start. Kyle, Aasa and their colleagues know about co-ops and what the challenges are in starting one. They are patient, supportive and they know all about co-ops. They have created a treasure trove of resources on their website to guide co-ops thru all stages of the process. It is jam-packed with information. They are also a group of people who clearly believe in the contribution co-operatives make to communities and that generates trust. And that is why it is so easy to work with Co-operatives First. The Gathering Place Co-op started out as a small group of people with a big idea. A year and a half later, we are still a small group of people with a big idea…but we are now incorporated, have Bylaws and governance structure in place and our idea is taking shape. We are looking forward into the future. We would not be where we are without the help of Kyle, Aasa and the team at Co-operatives First.
-Michelle Melnyk, The Gathering Place Co-op